architecture, landscape, planning _ based on mappings of relationships between people and lands.

a walk to the sea

the performative garden
on the coast, a performative structure connects the urban promenade with the sea, towards an horizon

a perspective

an horizon, an expanse
on the coast, a performative structure connects the urban promenade with the sea, towards an horizon.

street section, green infrastructure

From the iconic City Hall to the fishing pier on the coast, a path is painted white.
It reduces ground temperatures by albedo effect, whilst suggesting a path for the flow of people, from Bat Yam intensive city centre to its water.
Towards the fishing pier and through an existing car park, the white path connects the Bat Yam promenade with the coast. It is framed by a new typology for a productive, ecological street section. The new infrastructure works as an urban retro-fitting.
Renewable energy systems, including special marine wind turbines and flexible photovoltaics, provide electricity for public use, via 220V outlets on each column. Local planting and the white path (creating an albedo effect) act as passive micro-climate systems, providing a pleasant place for gathering and a view to the horizon. We see these performative aspects as a means to redistribute common resources (industrial and cultural) back into public production, through interaction and education.
The linear structure opens out a walk to the sea. It builds a view - from a perspective to a panorama, extending a newly-perceived distance to the horizon and the expanse of the sea. The outstretched garden on the Mediterranean offers a perchance for reflection.
The incidental composition of the plan is almost transparent.
It is based on a cost-benefit analysis using environmental-economic modelling. The design is thus both simple and effective.
All school children in Bat Yam visited the proejct on guided educational field-trips.